Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Let's explore the core of the platform
Here are some relevant points about the filesystem
  • Scales linearly over a set of low-budget comodity machines, doubled the amount of machines = reduced the processing time to half
  • Tolerates faults at different levels, from network, switches, disks, nodes, readdressing data traffic to other nodes, accomplishing a replica factor
  • Flexible scalability, for maintenance tasks, you only have to dis/connect computers into the rack
  • Lets you allocate any kind of files and formats, although it has better performance on files bigger than 128mb
  • The results of MapReduce jobs are stored in the filesystem
  • There's a unique namespace, with an automatic replication schema administered by the master, it's not possible to impact on a certain node in the cluster, whether to allocate files or execute jobs
  • The master itself balances the workload over execution plans and status reports from the slave nodes
The picture shows a more practical brief over HDFS responsibilities & execution flows
(Click to enlarge)

  • Has a mechanism of continuous replication per file, rack-aware, to extend data reliability and data availability warranties
  • Has an automatic file checksum with inmediate correction
  • Works in a master-slave schema where slaves share nothing between them, they only respond to master requests
  • The master coordinates all types of transactions, read/write, replication, restore, manages the tx log and the filesystem namespace
  • The slaves only take charge on low level operations over data, read, write, deletion, transport to-from client
Let's pass now to the processing model
Main characteristics of Map Reduce
  • It's a processing model about dividing and distributing information, in two chained phases: map first, then reduce
  • Both phases have as input and output, a key-value pair list, 
  • The schema allows to define method parameters and own logic for both phases, as well as their own partitioning system and intermediate storage between phases.
  • The transactions are handled by a JobTracker daemon, that runs the initial data partitioning and the intermediate data combination, by posting tasks of type Map and type Reduce over the TaskTracker daemons (1-n x computer) of the nodes involved in the cluster, according the data being processed
  • the Reduce phase only starts when finished the Map, cause after the Map the resulting keys are combined, to distribute a sorted list of key-value pairs between the Reducers, that can be matched at the end of them.
  • The process is transactional, those map or reduce tasks not executed, (for data availability issues) will be reattempted a number of times, and then redistributed to other nodes.
 The picture shows how these methods will interact in phases.
(Click to enlarge)

- First the files are partitioned in parts that will be distributed to process across the cluster nodes
- Each part is parsed in pairs of Key(sorteable object) - Value(object), that will be the input parameters for the tasks implementing the Map function
- These user defined tasks (map), will read the value object, do something with it, and then build a new key-value list that will be stored by the framework, in intermediate files.
- Once all the map tasks are finished, it means that the whole data to process was completely read, and reordered into this mapreduce model of key-value paris.
- These intermediate key-value results are combined, resulting a new paris of key-value that will be the input for the next reduce tasks
- These user defined tasks (reduce), will read the value object, do something with it, and then produce the 3rd and last list of key-value pairs, that the framework will combine, and regroup into a final result.

Let's see a sample job with a reverted-index function, for analyzing the webcrawler's output files (just for instance)
(Click to enlarge)

MapReduce something, is about iterate a huge record collection, extract something good, mix and regroup intermediate results, that's all, it may look more complex than what it is.


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